



 Leonardo da Vinci



the man who painted the Mona Lisa


In 1481, the monks at Scopeto commissioned me to make a picture for them. I started to work on the painting, which was called The Adoration of the Magi. But I didn’t finish the job. I had to leave Florence suddenly. 

monks n. 修士,僧侣

commission v. 委托

The Adoration of the Magi


Why was this? I’d made a musical instrument from silver. It was a kind of harp which looked like a horse’s head. A prince called Lorenzo de’ Medici heard about this instrument. Lorenzo was the ruler of the city at that time. He decided to send me to Milan with the instrument. He wanted to give it to his enemy, Ludovico Sforza, the ruler of Milan. He wanted Florence to make peace with Milan and he hoped that his present could help this to happen.

instrument n. 仪器

harp n. 竖琴

make peace with 与某人和解

I did what Lorenzo wanted me to do, and for the next 17 years I spent most of my time working in Milan. It was there in 1483, that I made the first of my two paintings of The Virgin of the Rocks

The Virgin of the Rocks


Two years later, I painted The Lady with an Ermine. These paintings later became very famous. I also designed a kind of parachute at that time.

parachute n. 降落伞


The Lady with an Ermin


In 1487, I made a drawing which is also very famous. I was very interested in proportions at that time. And I was interested in the work of Vitruvius. This ancient Roman architect had written a lot about the subject. He thought that there were rules about proportions in nature. And he thought that there were similar rules for the proportions between the different parts of buildings. I agreed with him. 

proportion n. 比例

My drawing, which is now called The Vitruvian Man, shows a man’s body. The arms and legs of the man are drawn in two different positions. And the man is contained by both a circle and a square. 

The Vitruvian Man


I thought that the proportions between the parts of a human body were interesting. I thought that they were like the proportions in art and architecture and in the rest of nature. I wrote my thoughts about this subject next to my drawing.

Those years in Milan were very busy for me, and I worked on the cathedral in the city, as well as on paintings for rich patrons. I also made a ceramic model of a horse, called the Gran Cavallo. My idea was to make a very large copy of this model, using the metal called bronze. It didn’t happen – the bronze version was never made. Why? Unfortunately, the government of the city used the bronze to make large guns. They needed guns to defend Milan from its enemies.

cathedral n. 大教堂

ceramic adj. 陶瓷的

version n. 版本

Between 1495 and 1498, I created a large mural in a church. The painting was called The Last Supper. But Milan was no longer a safe place, and in 1499, a French army, led by King Louis the Twelfth, invaded the city. I didn’t stay to fight. I was 48 years old and I wasn’t well. I couldn’t fight.

mural n. 壁画

invade n. 入侵

The Last Supper 














the man who was responsible for the Theory of Relativity

the man who changed people's ideas with his theory of evolution

the man who wrote The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital





